- A hot porridge with milk and fruits like apple or strawberries. Fruits can be added to enhance the flavor.
- Powdered oats can be spread out into a thin dosa enjoyed with green chutney.
- Batter it up to spread out as a thick pancake to be enjoyed with honey or applesauce.
- Toss it in olive oil with veggies of your choice and fill it in a whole grain wrap.
- Soft steaming idlis
- Spicy upma with tomatoes and peas.
- Crunchy oats granola bars.

Goodness of Oats - A Superfood
Oats like other cereal grains, are valued as a source of carbohydrates which provide provides strength and stamina. One cup of cooked oatmeal contains about 150 calories, four grams of fiber (about half soluble and half insoluble), and six grams of protein. It is packed with Nutrients like thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium, and iron.
Oats have been proven to lower blood cholesterol in the body and this is made possible by the soluble fiber found in oats. In addition oats are also one of the best sources of compounds which are known to inhibit cholesterol synthesis. Adding oats to your diet daily is a smart move for all those who want to ensure good health for your heart. Oats can be a healthy breakfast option or a on the go snack. For those who are too busy to sit down to a steaming bowl of oats can always grab a granola bars.
Oats are also helpful in diabetes. It delays the rise in blood sugar levels following a meal. Blood sugar levels when not managed can have detrimental effects in people with diabetes affecting kidneys,eyes and heart. A daily serving of whole oats rich in soluble fibre can also reduce hypertension, or high blood pressure, and so reduce the need for medication for both this condition.
Oats contain hundreds of phytochemicals which are thought to reduce the risk of many types of cancer especially breast cancer in women and certain GI cancers. The fibre in oats is known to aid in relieving constipation. Oats are best options for those looking to losing weight. The fibre in oats makes you feel full for a longer time.
Owing to all the above advantages oats find their way into many commercial products. Many biscuits, cookies and granola bars found in market use oats as a base. Develop the taste for it even though if you don’t like it in the start experimenting with the different recipes will surely help. To get you started, Oats can be made into-